Mopar DTS

The budget platform for Mopar’s market managers

Mopar DTS was a project of digital transformation.
The aim was to transform the excel files used by the client’s managers to plan the budget of the quarters and year, to an online platform.

The platform had to be able to display a great amount of data, cross them, filters them, personalize them, add specific functions for every market and user, release of graphic data, set specific budgets for every dealer, signal errors of set up and to give the user a good navigation system.

A part of the platform was dedicated exclusively to the display of data and statistics, filtered by market, regions, brands, dealers and their performances.

We were hired by the first supplier of the project, Engineering, to help with the user experience and interface. I took care of simplify the use and management of the data and the navigation.

The platform is for internal use only.