
The Customer Portal for Iveco

MyIveco is the new portal for Iveco’s customers.
It’s an ambitious project that aims to become the single access point for the entire brand’s customer service. The platform is designed to manage several type of users (owners, drivers, fleet managers, etc), by givind them areas customized on their specific needs.
The final goal is to allow the users to manage every service and contact with Iveco through the portal.

For MyIveco I assisted the head of the project, by cooperating in study and design the display of the data, the navigation, the experience of the user in the utilization of the services and improvement in the next phases.

The main area of the portal for every user is the ‘dashboard’.
The dashboard collects all the data of the vehicles registered under a user and shows them through ‘widgets‘.
Every widget corresponds to a particular service that has to be bought. The user can add them to the dashboard from a Market Place, personalize their position in the page and, in some case, what to show.

More sections allow the users to manage their vehicles, drivers, contracts and documents.

The users each have different privileges according with their status.
There is the ‘manager/owner’ status and the ‘driver’ status, that can eventually be subordinate to the first one. There are official users too, where the market managers of Iveco can interact directly with their users accounts and approve privileges and services.
Every user will be able to see a graphic representation of their personal performances. For the customers it will be drivers and vehicles performance. For the Iveco’s users, ecomic and statistics for their specific market.