
An Intelligent assistant to listen, understand and support people facing bullying.

Bruno was born because of the Watson Building Contest 2017 of IBM.
Using IBM Watson we built the chatbot by scratch and we made a test with one of the personas we planned.

Someone might say that a ‘chatbot‘ for people victims of bullying is not the right tool. That these people need other people, empathy, understanding, a human touch. Unfortunally in bullying people are the problem, even when they’re not causing it. with Bru-uno we wanted to get rid of this problem.

Br-uno is not people. Br-uno is a humble bot that will ask you questions about your situation and let you ventilate. It will give you advices and information, it will analyze your situation and telling you how much in trouble you might be, what are the first steps to do to in order to start getting out of it. But most important, Br-uno will not judge you.

In the project I took care of the social and psicological research, of building the personas (we planned two, but made only one), of the customer experience of the chatbot (I wrote the dialogues) and their imput in Watson.

I loved working at this project. I learned a lot in many ways, both tecnically and socially.
The project stopped at the phase two of the contest and it’s still in test. Unfortunally you can’t try it.

If you’re interest in it you can knock at Domino!
You can find the official page of the project here.